[jdev] Usefullness of JabberStudio ?

Hal Rottenberg halr9000 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 09:33:09 CDT 2005

On 7/22/05, Ralph Meijer <jabber.org at ralphm.ik.nu> wrote:
> Ok. I believe anyone can decide for itself whether JabberStudio or any
> other location is right for their project. You don't like JS? Help them
> out or go elsewhere. Jabber is distributed in nature, why would the
> project/community sites not be?

Well of course they should, but there are certain 'basics' that JSF
should either 1) offer or 2) link to.  So it would be official or
quasi-official.  What we don't want is a new freshmeat.net for jabber
that is totally unofficial.

I like doing it on jabber.org, personally.  As Peter said a bit ago:

The jabber.org website processes could definitely use improvement
especially for updating things like the software pages and server
listings. The software pages probably have the potential to be something
like Freshmeat (we have enough of that information in a database) but
the processes are currently lacking and I'm a bottleneck.

So...let's fix up jabber.org, make it serve as the freshmeat for us,
and keep js.o focused as it is for actual project management and

Psi webmaster (http://psi-im.org)
im:hal at jabber.rocks.cc

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