[jdev] Usefullness of JabberStudio ?

Hal Rottenberg halr9000 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 11:10:17 CDT 2005

On 7/21/05, Lucas Nussbaum <lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net> wrote:
> No tool I know of does both correctly. And it seems nobody has the time
> needed to improve JabberStudio. Using existing tools (at least for the
> project management tool, which is bigger) would probably be more
> effective.

Yes, it all comes down to time.  I know that reatmon and whoever else
has worked on Jabber Studio are competent, it's just that like
everything else they have a day job or school that's more important.
I totally agree that using a (somewehat) canned tool will save time.

I'm having a hard time finding software portal software because
searching for those keywords is necessarily too vague.  It could be
done using CMS software though.  Perhaps Drupal + Flexinode module
(http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/flexinode) to create a jabber
software record with the fields we would want to track such as
categories, license, platform, etc.
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