[jdev] Does anyone know of a good jabber server

Dan Plesse dplesse at optonline.net
Tue Jan 25 16:19:55 CST 2005

Matt are you sure that jive supports flash:stream?


Here's my out stream: 


<?xml version="1.0"?><flash:stream to="24.191.36.xx" xmlns="jabber:client"
xmlns:flash="http://www.jabber.com/streams/flash" version="1.0">


Admin Console says 2 sessions for each client which is not a flash client.
So does this mean its just not working? 


Another thing is Exodus normally shows a list of buddies. Right now my
Exodus client shows zero buddies while the Admin Console shows 2 sessions.
Do you have any tips to get that back? Thanks for your help on this. Dan 



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