[jdev] J-EAI: XMPP based integration platform presentations and other events

Mickael Remond mickael.remond at erlang-fr.org
Tue Jan 11 08:06:51 CST 2005


I wanted to let you know that I will be presenting J-EAI, an XMPP-based 
integration platform during the following coming events:

- Objectweb conference 2005: J-EAI: principles and features.
This conference takes place in Lyon (France) on january 2005, the 19th 
(2:30 pm). The J-EAI presentation will be in English.
See: http://wiki.objectweb.org/ObjectWebCon05/ for informations on how 
to attend and complete conference program.

- Linux Solutions 2005: J-EAI: principles, features, use cases and 
demonstrations (J-EAI : une plate-forme d'intégration d'application sous 
licence libre)
The conference will take place in Paris La Defense, on february 2005, 
the 3rd (2:00 pm). The presentation and demonstrations will be in French.
See: http://www.solutionslinux.fr/fr/conferences_index.php for a list of 
  Linux Solutions' conferences.

You can also visit the Erlang-projects booth on Linux-Solutions 2005 
(Paris, La Defense, 1-3 february). We will be activitely promoting and 
demonstrating XMPP solutions, mainly: J-EAI, ejabberd, and IDX-Tsunami.

We hope to have the opportunity to meet some of you during those events :-)

Mickaël Rémond

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