[jdev] Re: weather data over Jabber

Matthew Terenzio webmaster at localnotion.com
Sat Jan 8 16:31:41 CST 2005

On Jan 8, 2005, at 6:27 AM, Trejkaz Xaoza wrote:

>> Not sure what that is exactly, but it's not XML, not even a fragment 
>> of
>> a valid xml doc.
> LOL.  That's even harsher than I would have put it.  The document is 
> at least
> well-formed XML, although validity to a schema I have not checked. :-)

You are right. I clicked on it and Safari web browser displayed it as 
if it were xhtml, removing tags and such, unlike Explorer which 
displays the XML document itself. My fault. Glad you got  a kick out of 
it though.

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