[jdev] Re: IM history

François Manchon fmanchon at web2tel.net
Mon Jan 3 07:47:34 CST 2005

"Jens Mikkelsen" <gyldenskjold at mail.dk> a écrit dans le message de news: 
1104694064.2995.2.camel at localhost.localdomain...

> Further is Jabber the only open IM protocol or is ICQ or any other open
> as well?

There are other open IM protocols designed around SIP.  See for example 
RFC3428 and SIMPLE (http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/simple-charter.html).

ICQ and AIM use an AOL proprietary protocol known as OSCAR.

MSN Messenger uses a proprietary protocol known as MSNP.  However, Windows 
Messenger uses SIMPLE.



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