[jdev] jabberSMTP

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at jabber.org
Wed Dec 14 17:53:20 CST 2005

Jon Scottorn wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I have been trying to locate a jabber smtp transport, does anyone 
> know of any such thing.  I basically need something that will parse an 
> email sent to say jonsmel at jabber.org <mailto:jonsmel at jabber.org> and 
> reformat it into a xmpp message and send it to the user.  I don't really 
> care about attachments, it will only be text.
> Does anyone know of this type of item?

The old theoretic-smtp project did something like that, but it 
disappeared after the JabberStudio rootkit. I've sent the code to Jon on 
an as-is basis. If anyone else has code like this (more recent than 
theoretic-smtp), feel free to post to the list. :-)


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