[jdev] SASL debugging

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Sat Dec 10 16:54:27 CST 2005

Hi Norman,

Norman Rasmussen schrieb:

>I thought that was the whole point of stringprep? (make similar chars
>the same), but it seems not: RFC, section 9.1: ""stringprep does
>nothing to map similar-looking characters together nor to prohibit
>some characters because they look like others""
Well if stringprep would make similar chars the same, we might not have 
some homography attacks, that we are faced with using IDNs (but are 
there without IDNs as well).

>The point of stringprep seems to be: (RFC, section 1): ""these
>[stringprep] profiles will allow users to enter internationalized text
>strings in applications and have the highest chance of getting the
>content of the strings correct.  In this case, "correct" means that if
>two different people enter what they think is the same string into two
>different input mechanisms, the strings should match on a
>character-by-character basis. [...] In addition to helping string
>matching, profiles of stringprep can also exclude characters that
>should not normally appear in text that is used in the protocol.""
>Having only ever lived and worked in a english centric world, I have
>troubles understanding the issues that stringprep address, but I'm
Well I think one of my examples (that's why I started with that one) 
demonstrates this very good.

Look at "℉" and "°F". If someone reads a JabberID in a magazine of a 
fictive new bot at jabber.org, where you can get the temperatures at 
different places in the world. This JID is ℉@jabber.org. How can he tell 
if he has to enter ℉@jabber.org or °F at jabber.org in his Jabber client? 
There is no real difference in these two addresses (biside that thy 
might look different in this mail as you client may use different fonts 
for these two). Stringprep ensures, that you can enter both and get the 
same bot.

>I have this great concern that a lot of xmpp developers might think
>the same thoughts that I thought the first time I looked at
>stringprep, mainly:  ""It's too hard, and I don't understand it, and
>my application works at the moment, so why should I care?""   Then two
>months after the release of your code, you get some
>spanish/polish/russian guy using non-english characters telling you
>that 'your program doesn't work', because you were too lazy to figure
>out stringprep.
Yes, I understand this. But there are great libraries already available 
for all types of programming languages. You don't have to understand the 
description of stringprep. You can just use an existing library to 
prepare your strings and you are done.

Tot kijk

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