[jdev] components talking to users at other servers

Konstantin Klyagin k at thekonst.net
Wed Aug 31 19:03:19 CDT 2005

On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 12:31:56AM +0200, Fabio Forno wrote:

> > Sure, components may talk to users on other servers.

> Provided they have a FQDN (intra-server communications work even
> without it)

Ok. In my previous question I enclosed a log, which showed an
attempt to send a subscription to a user from an external server.
And it didn't work, though the component FQDN exists and is

Anyway, can someone recommend me a component that is being
installed on one server is by default accessible for users from
another server?

I am interested in anything that shows an interaction between a
component and users on another server.


konst at http://thekonst.net/

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