[jdev] Cancelling an iq query

Ralph Meijer jabber.org at ralphm.ik.nu
Mon Aug 29 04:31:56 CDT 2005

On Sun, Aug 28, 2005 at 11:42:25AM -0700, Ralph Giles wrote:
> I'd like to collect suggestions for "cancelling" an in-process iq 
> transaction.

I would also go with a similar approach as yours. An <iq/> for the
transaction request and a <message/> with the results when the
transaction is completed. The two then matched up by a application
specific handle. There is no generic solution to the pattern you
describe, yet.

As a side note, the LLI project
(http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~mankins/lli/) had a similar problem with
posing a query that would be answered by multiple services. The solution
I proposed then was to send the query in an <iq/>. The receiving entity
would create a publish-subscribe node (JEP-0060), and subscribe the
querying entity to it. Then the response to the iq would have the node
id. The query would then be submitted to all the actual services, along
with the node id. The services would then publish the results to the
pubsub node, notifying the subscriber. The advantage is that the client
would asynchrously receive the results, without having to wait until all
services responded (if ever).



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