[jdev] Re: Google DNS SRV records

Rory rory at ipster.org
Sat Aug 27 16:21:39 CDT 2005

On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 10:28:41PM +0200, Remko Troncon wrote:
> When did this conversation turn into one on HTTP tunneling ? As i  
> repeat in every post, all i am talking about is connecting to a  
> different XMPP server than the one resolved from the JID. This is  
> what the original post was about. All i did was give a situation  
> where this is necessary, namely tunneling an XMPP (*not* HTTP)  
> connection over SSH. The client does not need any extra  
> functionality, except to override the XMPP host with a custom one;  
> protocol stays the same.

Sorry I was talking about tunnelling XMPP via HTTP to pierce a proxy I
think ;)

I've never actually found myself in a situation where I've had to use
ssh port forwarding but I'll give it a go. I imagine I'd try the
following steps:

1. Get the address for jabber.org:

2. Make the following entry in my hosts file:    localhost jabber.org

3. Set up the ssh tunnel:

    ssh -f -N -L5222: -l myname myserver.example.com

4. Then I'd tell my client to connect as sinbad.sailor at jabber.org

I don't know if this would work exactly but I imagine there might be
something in the ballpark that does work.


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