[jdev] jabber @ google talk ?

Bart Matthaei bart at dreamflow.nl
Wed Aug 24 10:25:45 CDT 2005

On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 12:24:17PM +0200, Bart van Bragt wrote:
> IMO that would be very BAD, maybe we should even consider blocking 
> talk.google.com by default in the XMPP clients if they try to do 
> something like that. If they really keep their network closed Bad Things 
> are going to happen to XMPP/Jabber IMHO.

What have you been smoking?

Isn't this what an open standard like jabber is all about? The freedom to
use it in whichever way you think is best?

Blocking a server because you don't agree with the company's policy doesn't
make sense. 

I agree that it would be really neat if google would enable S2S, but
blocking google in xmpp clients until they do isn't the way to achieve this.



Bart Matthaei                      bart at ambrero.nl

Ambrero Software Development

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