[jdev] Problems with multi-domain!!!!

Guilherme Veloso Neves Oliveira velosologan_linux at yahoo.com.br
Wed Aug 10 11:54:12 CDT 2005

Hello all,
I was here trying obtain reply for my problems with integrate between jabberd2 and AD (multiple domains management for multiple PDC win2k), but still I don't resolv!!! Some peoples try help me, but............ :-( 

My Problem

In my LAN exist 14 domains management by Active DIrectory (Microsoft) in diferents host (which are integrate by the relations confiance) and I'am not obtain config them by operate with more one host!! When edit the file "c2s.xml" in section "Ldap Module Configuration" to operate more one host, the server jabber didn't function as waited!!!
But, I obtain to connect when exist only one section "ldap"!!!! When I config in section "Ldap Module Configuration", two instances being "ldap" and "ldap1" (as suggested by colleague of list "jadmin") the server didn't connect using config described by the section "ldap1"!!!!

I'm trying to integrate this for about 2 weeks and still don't obtain sucess!!! If possible, are you help me???
This software to possess resource for resolv this problem????

[ ]'s
Guilherme Veloso
PS:In attachement files.zip that posses two files: c2s.xml and log_jabberd.txt!!!

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