[jdev] Re: Zeroconf and some thoughts..

Francesco Delfino pluto at tipic.com
Fri Apr 29 04:10:56 CDT 2005

Hi Jesper,
I think that more than focusing on P2P Zeroconf IM systems (which is 
something different than XMPP/Jabber), we should look on how we can 
advertise the presence of a XMPP server (and its services like: allowed 
logon domains, supported authentication type etc) on the network.

A good starting point is a previous email by Matt Tucker on this topic

    Francesco Delfino

Jesper Krogh wrote:
> Hi. 
> The guy that implements Zeroconf in KDE has some quite interesting
> thoughts on how to collaborate with the IM-system on the computer. 
> When dot.kde.org comes to live again, it should be here:
> http://dot.kde.org/1114696139/
> KDE/Zeroconf wiki:
> http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Zeroconf+in+KDE
> Basic idea, Zeroconf won't work across the internet, but collaboration
> should be as easy as Zeroconf anyway, thereby using the IM-system to
> publish services from your host to your contactlist. This would be an
> "ugly hack" on proprietary IM-systems, but could be integrated fine in
> Jabber/XMPP. 
> Jabber, though, would still be nice if it worked in a local Zeroconf network :-) 
> Jesper

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