[jdev] HTML display component for C++ on Windows + Jabber

Jon Phillips jon at rejon.org
Thu Apr 28 04:42:09 CDT 2005


Has anyone built a GUI class for a chat window output and input for C++
in a Windows programming environment?

All the MFC Windows classes for text, richeditctrl, etc, are junk, and I
want to develop a display and text input for html, so you can have
images, text with formatting, etc, displayed in a person to person, or
group chat window.

Does this make sense, and has anyone developed anything like this?

I have thought about using the MS Internet Explorer COM object, but it
is so huge...I think a lighter weight class would be better suited for
the task. Advice would be appreciated...thx!



Jon Phillips

USA PH 510.499.0894
KOREA PH 010.3140.7483
jon at rejon.org

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