[jdev] Detecting multiple resource connections

Jesus Cea jcea at argo.es
Wed Apr 27 06:08:19 CDT 2005

Trejkaz wrote:
> At that point you might as well just use the two resources.  Join 
> from /checker, and if /bot isn't online, join from /bot and then disconnect 
> from /checker. :-)

You will have race conditions, if your are running several processes.

> I assume that the default behaviour of jabberd2 is to boot off the existing 
> session.  I don't suppose there is a way to change that behaviour?  It would 
> result in a slightly more elegant solution (/bot logs in, fails, logs in 
> as /bot2, done.)

I would suggest to "JEP" a non destructive bind. That is, if the 
resource is already in use, the bind would fail.

But since a server can be hours with undetected failed connections, 
perhaps a more sensible approach could be to bind with a random 
resource, send a stanza to the demanded resource, and if the resource is 
offline or not answers in X seconds, rebind to it.

Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at argo.es http://www.argo.es/~jcea/ _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
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