[jdev] as a new one for jabber, how can i do?

maqi at jabberstudio.org maqi at jabberstudio.org
Tue Oct 12 03:17:42 CDT 2004

On Tue, 12 Oct 2004, jazzy.liu wrote:

> i want to implement a jabber client by myself with SWT. but i never
> touch xmpp/jabber before . i want to finish my job step by step.

Get an established Jabber client and look how it works (I suggest getting
Psi and taking a look at its XML debug console to get an idea on the
XMPP protocol). Then, read the XMPP protocol documents (the RFCs) and the
active JEPs on the standards track.

As this is a lot of work, probably you simply want to get an existing Java
client and modify it to use SWT.

> how can i do? i need your advice. which kind of Code Libraries is the
> best?

I find Smack easy to use but relatively basic as far as functionality is


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