[jdev] Re: XMPP RFC numbers; marketing effort?

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at jabber.org
Mon Oct 4 12:15:46 CDT 2004

In article <20041004115903.GB9134 at hermes.muc.charente.de>,
 Matthias Wimmer <m at tthias.net> wrote:

> hi Bart!
> Bart van Bragt schrieb am 2004-10-04 13:26:01:
> > But the press doesn't know this yet and it's not yet (officially) and
> > Internet Draft (IIRC?). I have no idea how much time there is between
> > the AUTH48 and getting Internet Standard status?
> 48 hours ... 
> Tot kijk
>     Matthias

Not quite. "Authors 48 Hours" is the time period allotted for authors to 
check the versions of the documents as finalized by the RFC Editor. 
Because authors are not always quick about reviewing their documents, 
the auth48 period can often take a week or more (especially if a 
document has multiple authors, since each author must sign off on the 
final text). However, the RFC Editor staff and I finished the XMPP 
auth48 period in record time (about 8 hours), so the XMPP RFCs are ready 
to go and await only some web/FTP synchronization and an official 
announcement to the ietf-announce mailing list. There is no set time 
period between author sign-off and announcement, but it's usually a few 
days, I think.


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