[jdev] Re: XMPP RFC numbers; marketing effort?

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at jabber.org
Mon Oct 4 12:05:01 CDT 2004

I don't know exactly when the RFCs will be issued, but my understanding 
is that it will happen Very Soon rather than Real Soon Now (where Very 
Soon means it could be anywhere from "even as I'm typing this message" 
to later today to sometime in the next few days). I wrote a press 
release on Friday night (which has been approved by the Board) and have 
updated some content on the jabber.org and xmpp.org websites to reflect 
the RFC status (hidden pages, of course, which I will copy over when the 
moment arrives). I'll be contacting some people in the press once the 
release is out.

What do you have in mind for user-friendly content changes on jabber.org?


In article <416115BC.605 at vanbragt.com>,
 Bart van Bragt <jabber at vanbragt.com> wrote:

> I noticed in stpeters blog that the RFC numbers are going to arrive Real 
> Soon[tm] now. Of course that's really fantastic but what are we going to 
> do with that event?
> IMO this is _the_ perfect opportunity to make the world aware of the 
> fact that there is an alternative and that there is an open, working, 
> standardised way for IM communication.
> We didn't do much when the standards where presented to the IETF, it got 
> some media coverage but not that much. IMO we should/could do a LOT 
> better than that this time.
> What are we going to do? IMO it would be ideal if we had a site like 
> Jabbercentral going already with some basic (enduser) information about 
> Jabber (what is jabber and what can Joe Average do with it?), what 
> (working, easy to use) clients are there, etc. I don't know what 'Real 
> Soon[tm]' is but if this is a few weeks then we can try to get at least 
> a minimal site going to kickstart people that want to know what all this 
> Jabber/XMPP buzz is all about. IMO jabber.org really isn't suitable for 
> your average computer users (who doesn't even know what a protocol is).
> If we're talking about days or one or two weeks then it's IMO smarter to 
> update some of the documents on jabber.org to facilitate kickstarting 
> average users and making clear what Jabber is to them. Of course we'll 
> also provide (separate) information for interested developers.
> Besides that, should we create a press release? Or are we going to wait 
> until Jabber Inc. is going to do that? :D If we have a press release, 
> how are we going to get that to interested parties? IMO it's smart to 
> translate the press release and send it to national/local news sites, 
> magazines and papers.
> Hmm, maybe it's smart to create two press releases? One for sites like 
> slashot (the knowledgeable readers) and one for sites like the NY times 
> and Wallstreet Journal more targeted to your average person?

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