[jdev] Re: HELP!!! Component devolopment for jabber

ahmet sevki nalcacioglu at hotmail.com
Mon May 31 20:35:18 CDT 2004

Jim, these are all ways to write components for 1.4 server. Is there any 
  sample code which implements a component for jabber2?

I've been searching for the past 2 weeks. I am looking for a decent 
example where a component written for 1.4 is run using jabber 1.4, and 
it successfully connects to a jabber2 server and echoes messages. I 
tried jso, jso etc. I keep getting problems such as "Circular reference 
detected". I think it is because I am trying to run both the component 
and the jabber2 server on the same "localhost"

for instance:
I tried to run jso framework's echo component.
I created a jso.xml file to run it with jabber 1.4 server:

jso.xml :

           <service id="jsolinker">
               <ip></ip> <!-- IP Address of Router here -->

           <service id="jso.localhost">
              <jso xmlns="jabber:client"/>


           <log id="jsolog">
             <format>%d: [%t] (%h): %s</format>

           <xdb id="xdb">


             <xdb_file xmlns="jabber:config:xdb_file">



in my router.xml file I have aliased as:
     <alias name='jso.localhost' target='jsolinker'/>

in my sm.xml file, I added :

     <item category='service' type='jso' jid='jso.localhost' name='JSO 
since echo component does not support discover.

I started jabber2, and then
and then ran jabber1.4 server:
jabberd jso.xml
===================== from 1.4 log:=================
Mon May 31 19:46:13 2004  mio.c:977 MIO read from socket 9: <iq 
xmlns='jabber:client' type='get' to='jsolinker' from='localhost'><query 
Mon May 31 19:46:13 2004  base_connect.c:129 process XML: m:9EEF7A8 
state:3, arg:9E489E8, x:9EF5170
Mon May 31 19:46:13 2004  deliver.c:474 DELIVER 1:jsolinker <iq 
xmlns='jabber:client' type='get' to='jsolinker' from='localhost'><query 
Mon May 31 19:46:13 2004  deliver.c:678 delivering to instance 'jsolinker'
Mon May 31 19:46:13 2004  deliver.c:606 delivery failed (Circular 
Reference Detected)
Mon May 31 19:46:13 2004  log.c:116 <log type='notice' 
from='jsolinker'>bouncing a packet to jsolinker from localhost: Circular 
Reference Detected</log>

apparently something is going wrong here. Of course then I try to 
connect with my EchoComponent to port 1213, however it -naturally- 
doen't receive anything...

Jim Parslow wrote:
> Hi Raghu;
> There are serveral ways you can write a component;
> 1: edit the jabbered jsm section of the jabber server, rebuilding it, 
> can be useful, but then this is server specific!
> 2: you can write a component that attaches itself to the jabber server, 
> if you are looking for the ways to this then look at a component called 
> bandersnatch
> you can also look at this url
> http://docs.jabber.org/general/html/component-intro.html
> Or
> http://jabbermanual.jabberstudio.org/test/developer/componentdevguide.html
> hope this helps!!
> From: raghuveer thummala <rthummal at cs.odu.edu>
> Reply-To: Jabber software development list <jdev at jabber.org>
> To: <jdev at jabber.org>
> Subject: [jdev] HELP!!! Component devolopment for jabber
> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 01:41:55 -0500 (EST)
> Hi,
> Is there any document on devoloping a compnent with jabberd 2.0.  I
> searched some of the documentation in jabber website, but didn`t get much
> help. Can anybody direct me to a proper place where I can get some
> documentation on devoloping a component or suggest a possible method in
> which I should approach.
> Thanks,
> Raghu
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