[jdev] Case sensitive & jid

Remy HAREL remy.harel at GICM.FR
Fri May 7 07:46:01 CDT 2004

        Hi all,

   Still in my project to make jabberd 2 an high availibility 
application, I'm currently adding datas in xmpp packets. These datas are 
MD5 hashed, and among these data there is the full_jid ( i.e. : 
remy.harel at jabber.gicm.net/Gabber for example ).

    The main problem is to know which of the three parts of this 
full_jid are case sensitive, because if case is ignored I could have two 
differents md5 sums for the same full jid. If i'm not clear, the md5 
sums for 'remy' and 'Remy' are differents. For a non sensitive case 
application it would be the same person if we work on name but two 
differents persons if we work on names'md5sums.

  So anyone can tell me which parts are case sensitive or not please ? I 
suppose that the second (domain ) is not case sensitive but the third ( 
ressource ) is, no idea for the first one ( called node ).


Remy Harel - remy.harel at gicm.fr
G.I.C.M - Distributed Systems & IT
Linux Registered User #224740

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