[jdev] Anonymous accounts or automatic unique resources

Ulrich Staudinger us at activestocks.de
Thu May 6 09:08:28 CDT 2004

Hi Wojtek,

the chatroom approach seems to be the most reasonable to me.
One common account and randomized/unique resources will help too, once 
those anonymous users logg in, auto forward them to the chat room
Anyway keep in mind karma limits the amount traffic in a certain time 
which you can pipe through the server.
You might want to have a look at publish/subscribe as well.


Wojtek wrote:

> Hi
> I'd like to broadcast some events between my applications through Jabber.
> I don't want to care about account for each application instance.
> I consider two solutions:
>   1) annonymous accounts and dedicated chat room (preferred)
>   2) one account and unique resorces allocated by server (sending 
> messages to all online resources of the account)
> How can I do this with jabberD 1.4.3 or 2.x?
> Are there any server components that will do this for me?
> Regards
> Wojtek
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