[jdev] ANNOUNCE: jabberd 2.0 stable 3 available

Robert Norris rob at cataclysm.cx
Thu Jun 24 18:40:43 CDT 2004

[ Resend, something went horribly wrong before. ]

The jabberd project team is pleased to announce the release of jabberd
2.0 stable 3. This is a 2.0 stable release. This release is considered
usable in production.

The server is a complete rewrite, with none of the old 1.4 code
included. This makes the transition non-trivial. A tool is included with
this release to assist with migrating users from 1.4 servers.

Changes since 2.0s2:

    * Fixed several memory leaks and overruns <karsten.petersen at hrz.tu-chemnitz.de>
    * Fixed XMPP session replacement [rob]
    * Added support for Win32 platforms <peter at cerebus.co.za> [rob]
    * Added support for requiring SSL/TLS before auth <deryni at eden.rutgers.edu>
    * Added support for LDAPv3 (including channel encryption) [rob]
    * Added workaround to make large presence broadcasts more efficient [rob]
    * Generate random dialback key if none provided [rob]
    * Rewrote configure script (+ many code tweaks to support this) [rob]
    * Remove build requirement for Libidn and OpenSSL [rob]
    * Removed bundled Libidn due to licensing issues [rob]
    * Bugfixes: 3059, 3174, 3343, 3368, 3480, 3481, 3594

Downloads are available here:


Bug reports and feature requests should be submitted using the tools on
jabberstudio.org. General support requests should go to
jadmin at jabber.org. Anything else should be sent to
jabberd at jabberstudio.org.

Have fun!


Robert Norris                                       GPG: 1024D/FC18E6C2
Email+Jabber: rob at cataclysm.cx                Web: http://cataclysm.cx/
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