[jdev] Digest auth: <digest> or <hash> ?

Peter Millard pgmillard at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 14:56:10 CDT 2004

Exodus prefers SASL authentication first, then zero-k auth, then
digest, then plain-text. It will always authenticate using that order
based on packets it receives from jabberd. The <sequence> and <token>
tags in the iq-result shown above trigger the zero-k auth code.


On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:04:12 +0200, Heiner Wolf <wolf at bluehands.de> 
> comparing the protocol log of my client an Exodus I found a strange difference. Exodus uses a <hash>-tag in the digest auth iq-set-jabber:iq:auth stanza. I thought this should be <digest> instead.

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