[jdev] PubSub.com's Use of JEP-0060

Bob Wyman bob at wyman.us
Mon Jun 7 16:04:12 CDT 2004

       I have placed a document which describes how we're using JEP-0060 at
PubSub.com at:
http://pubsub.com/bobwyman/pubsub_xmpp.html . This may be useful
understanding some of my recent comments on both the JDev and Standards-JIG

       Please feel free to read the document and provide whatever comments
that you find appropriate. Also, please feel free to access our server at
the addresses provided and test the service. If you are a PubSub subscriber,
you should be able to gain access to the output of your subscriptions using
the protocol we describe.
	My hope is that this experimental service will help us all begin to
understand better how to handle high-volume content-based publish/subscribe
over Jabber/XMPP. I will be actively encouraging both Jabber client
developers and RSS/Atom News Aggregator developers to incorporate this
protocol or something like it, into their client programs and services.
Hopefully, a "real" JEP will eventually come from this experimentation.
	To date, syndication via RSS and Atom has been done exclusively
using polling protocols. This has resulted in a tremendous waste of network
resources as well as significant delays in the delivery of what is sometimes
very time critical information. My hope is that by using Jabber/XMPP and
other similar streaming protocols, we'll be able to bring the concept of
"near real-time" into the world of content syndication.
       bob wyman

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