[jdev] Information Request

Nilson Olaya Gomez nilson_olaya79 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 14 17:55:52 CDT 2004

Cordial Greetings: 

I request their valuable help and collaboration with this issue: 

I searching for open source Web Enable collaborative Applications, that include Instant Messaging with groups management and Roster, file transfer, chat, meetings, and sharing of resources as voice and video. This for the purpose of an investigation for develop my Work of Degree or Thesis.

I want to know if are there any open source pair Web Enable Cient/Server Jabber System that include the most of this features or what others open source Applications more similar to which I'm looking for you can recommend me. 

I thank in advance for their valuable time. And for the attention and the collaboration lent to me.



Nilson Olaya Gómez

Computing Engineering Student

Pamplona's University

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