[jdev] Re: [jadmin] MSN Gateway for jabberd2

Trejkaz Xaoza trejkaz at xaoza.net
Thu Jul 8 17:38:27 CDT 2004

On Fri, 9 Jul 2004 03:17, Paul Curtis wrote:
> The only issue I can see would be that the transports deal with many
> sessions for a given legacy system. It would take some wrangling to make
>            the plugins behave in that environment. Not impossible, but
> not easy either.

Does GAIM not handle multiple users on the same IM system like Trillian can?  
If it can, then it's just a matter of scaleability.  If it can't, I guess I'm 
wrong about who I thought they were trying to clone. :-)


'Every sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' - 
Arthur C Clarke
'Every sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology' - Tom 

             Email: Trejkaz Xaoza <trejkaz at xaoza.net>
          Web site: http://xaoza.net/trejkaz/
         Jabber ID: trejkaz at jabber.xaoza.net
   GPG Fingerprint: 9EEB 97D7 8F7B 7977 F39F  A62C B8C7 BC8B 037E EA73

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