[jdev] ICQv8-t

Alexey Nezhdanov snake at penza-gsm.ru
Wed Jul 7 08:50:43 CDT 2004

Hello. I have the idea to write a very simple transport that will use 8th 
version of ICQ protocol.
The only one transport that is more-or-less stable AFAIK is JIT but it is 
libicq2000-based so it uses 7th version of protocol.

Obviously I will examine the existing ICQ client behaivoir but here comes the 
which client should I choose?
2002/2003/Lite/... ?
"Lite" version probably uses stripped version of protocol (that is what I 
want) but it behaves badly with JIT when we using non-ascii encodings.
"Pro" version can appear too complicated than nessessary.

The purpose for now is to write a very minimal transport that will be able 
only to receive and send "normal" plain-text messages.

Alexey Nezhdanov

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