[JDEV] Java C2S Components? (for connecting to regular 1.4.x)

Sean Meiners sean at ssttr.com
Wed Jan 21 15:17:28 CST 2004

The JabberWookie library (yes, it's in Java) has an example of how to use it 
to connect a component to the Jabber server via TCP and the 
jabber:component:accept namespace.  Check out http://www.jabberwookie.com for 
details, the example class is com.jabberwookie.tests.ComponentConnect.

--Sean M

PS: I should note that I'm tooting my own horn here, since I wrote the 
JabberWookie library :)

On Wednesday 21 January 2004 10:38 am, Katz, Dov B (IT) wrote:
> Are there any java C2s components which can be used to connect to a
> jabber server via <accept>?
> Before I write one, I'd like to know what's out there...
> Can someone please outline the exchange of XML between a jabberd server
> and a C2S component?
> Thanks
> in advance
> -Dov
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