[JDEV] bug in mod_privacy ?

Alexey Nezhdanov snake at penza-gsm.ru
Sun Jan 18 01:27:27 CST 2004

Dudley Carr wrote:

> Robert Norris wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 01:17:49PM +0300, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
>>> Testing privacy lists handling with xmpppy and jabberd2s1:
>>> It seems that server return "all info at once" with lists list 
>>> request and ingnores a particular info request:
>> mod_privacy isn't in great shape just now. I'm trying to get it fixed
>> for 2.0s2.
>> Rob.
> Below is a patch for mod_privacy. The previously mentioned issues have 
> been resolved in addition to some other problems. Here's the list of 
> problems fixed:
> 1. mod_privacy wasn't the producing list of privacy lists
> 2. No replies for individual privacy list requests
> 3. Renamed errors according to draft-ietf-xmpp-im-20 that were 
> supposed to be ITEM_NOT_FOUND but instead were BAD_REQUEST
> 4. Error packets were using an incorrect namespace 
> (jabber:iq:privacy:error) and so were being dropped by sm's mod_validate
> 5. Corrected copy-paste accident: Outbound packets were looking at the 
> recipient's privacy policy instead of the sender's privacy policy.
> Regards,
> Dudley

Since my mailer corrupted the patch, I'm attaching a restored version.
P.S. Don't tested it yet.

Alexey Nezhdanov

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