[JDEV] Differences in SASL realisation in jabberd2 and ejabberd

Alexey Nezhdanov snake at penza-gsm.ru
Mon Jan 12 01:07:18 CST 2004

Hello. Recently tryed to use SASL against ejabberd.
Found several differences:
1) challenge responces.
jabberd2 response: 
ejabbed response:

The main problem is that double quotes appears in one case and disappears in 
the another. The worst problem that I can't find out which case is proper.
RFC2831 extract:
snake at sarge:/mnt/hda2/var/lib/cvs/jabberpy2/ietf-docs$ grep qop rfc2831.txt,v
        qop-options       = "qop" "=" <"> qop-list <">
        qop-list          = 1#qop-value
        qop-value         = "auth" | "auth-int" | "auth-conf" |
       qop              = "qop" "=" qop-value
On the other hand here is example challenge from the same RFC:
    S: realm="elwood.innosoft.com",nonce="OA6MG9tEQGm2hh",qop="auth",

Also as you can see - there are no "realm" field in ejabbed challenge. Do not 
know if it is error or not.

2) Bind namespace response in ejabberd. The problem is unreproducible now (at 
least against jabber.ru). It seems that it have been fixed tonight... ;)

Alexey Nezhdanov

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