[JDEV] bug in mod_privacy ?

Alexey Nezhdanov snake at penza-gsm.ru
Wed Jan 7 04:17:49 CST 2004

Testing privacy lists handling with xmpppy and jabberd2s1:
It seems that server return "all info at once" with lists list request 
and ingnores a particular info request:

Example 1, requesting privacy lists list from server:
python code:
    print getPrivacyLists(m)
debug output:
DEBUG: socket       sent  <iq id='7' type='get'><query 
xmlns='jabber:iq:privacy' /></iq>
DEBUG: socket       got   <iq xmlns='jabber:client' id='7' 
type='result'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:privacy'><list name='test'><item 
order='6' action='allow' value='snake at woody8.penza-gsm.ru' 
{'lists': [u'test']}

Example 2, requesting privacy list "test" from server:
python code:
    print getPrivacyList(m,'test')
debug output:
DEBUG: socket       sent  <iq id='8' type='get'><query 
xmlns='jabber:iq:privacy'><list name='test' /></query></iq>
The  second case waits for some time before timeout expires. Even if I 
read the socket after several minutes - there is no result.

Alexey Nezhdanov

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