[JDEV] Re: Ping protocol for Jabber

Tony Cheung tony.cheung at asiayeah.com
Sun Jan 4 06:44:31 CST 2004


Thanks. Sending a message to my own JID sounds like a workaround solution.

Is there any other solution? Does any existing Jabber client does any 
Ping mechanism?

Best Regards,
Tony Cheung

Trejkaz Xaoza wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Thu, 1 Jan 2004 12:49, Tony Cheung wrote:
>>Is there any ping mechanism that we could used in Jabber for making sure
>>the connection and the server is alive?
> Normal keep-alives are typically a single space character flushed down the 
> stream.  However I know it isn't truly a ping. :)
> The trivial way to ping is to send a message to your own JID.  If I'm right in 
> interpreting the semantics, a message with no body won't be displayed in a 
> client anyway, so as long as you tag the outgoing message with an 'id' 
> attribute and wait for the incoming message with the same id.
> TX
> - -- 
> 'Every sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' - 
> Arthur C Clarke
> 'Every sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology' - Tom 
> Graves
>       Email: Trejkaz Xaoza <trejkaz at xaoza.net>
>    Web site: http://xaoza.net/trejkaz/
>   Jabber ID: trejkaz at jabber.xaoza.net
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE/86FMmifzwBMPxxoRAkiuAKCVtLa/XwlCBzGhNBQxtogr2RqJXQCgvlfW
> MEv2/HOiaB98pjcv68OpCAA=
> =W7CV

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