[jdev] New MSN-t available for testing

James Bunton james at delx.cjb.net
Thu Aug 19 05:29:02 CDT 2004

Hi everybody.

Please check out the new MSN transport available. It has been completely 
re-written using Python and Twisted. See here for details.

There are lots of niceties fixed. About the only things not implemented that 
were in the old version are typing notification (coming soon), and support 
for MSN notification messages (probably coming soon).

If you're in a position to test please do try it out. It's fully forwards and 
backwards compatible with the old transport (so you can swap between them at 
will, the spool files are compatible).

Maqi, did you say we could get a wiki setup for documentation of this 
transport? That would be great thanks.. =)



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