[jdev] Re: Reliable presence

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Thu Aug 12 14:59:27 CDT 2004

On Thursday 12 August 2004 12:44 pm, David Waite wrote:
> I get breakage all the time, and I know between jabber.com and
> jabber.org (with s2s funness) also has problems.
> Technically, the only places presence needs to be cached would be
> 1. session manager needs to cache a user session's current "default"
> presence, if any
> 2. either a client or the architectural piece responsible for
> maintaining the client connection needs to request presence
> periodically.

Requesting presence is probably the simplest solution, and would allow for 
routers to stay "dumb" without the need to cache presence.

For example, a groupchat service could remove participants that generate 
bounced stanzas.  This should cause a cleanup to occur anytime someone moves 
or talks.  If the groupchat wanted to be more proactive, it could retransmit 
each participant's own presence periodically to induce bounces.

Clients could do this too.  In fact, this all works today without changing any 


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