[jdev] Re: [jadmin] Rhymbox coup d'état? Recommend everyone Rhymbox.com

sabat sabat at eloan.com
Thu Aug 5 21:46:46 CDT 2004

[[ LIST ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTE: The matter referred to in this email
message was resolved on November 3, 2009; for details, please visit
http://xmpp.org/xsf/press/2009-11-03.shtml or contact Peter Saint-Andre
at stpeter at jabber.org ]]

 >> obscene acqusations

One would think that a man with such a high-and-mighty tone would learn 
to use a spell checker. "Accusations"?

jabber at brevo.com wrote:

>Dear Frank,
>I personally think it would have been more responsible and prudent for you
>to contact us directly. In the future, if you have concerns regarding
>RhymBox/Pandion, please contact us directly so that we may have an
>opportunity to address them in a more suitable and professional manner.
>Mr. Sebastiaan Deckers and Mr. Dries Staelens, are both illegally
>distributing RhymBox, LLC intellectual property. We are currently seeking
>injunctive relief in accordance with our contract. Our pending legal matters
>limit what we may openly discuss and share with the general public. We
>regret this unfortunate turn of events and any inconvenience which it may
>have caused the RhymBox/Pandion users.
>Please know that as we become aware of anyone using any software as acquired
>through Mr. Deckers or Mr. Staelens, we will serve notice, and if our notice
>is ignored, we are prepared to take all necessary actions to enforce our
>rights. If anyone wishes to avoid any such complications, we simply ask that
>you contact us at info at rhymbox.com or info at pandion.biz so as to acquire a
>legal license. This will indemnify you from any legal actions on the part of
>RhymBox, LLC. There is no charge for a non-exclusive personal usage license
>at this time, rather we simply want to monitor our intellectual property.
>Any fees in relation to re-brandings or commercial licenses, should be paid
>directly to RhymBox, LLC. Any fees paid to Mr. Deckers or Mr. Staelens, will
>not be valid nor recognized in the eyes of RhymBox, LLC.
>On a more personal note, I would like to respond to Mr. Deckers'
>unprofessional and ludicrous "Open Letter". Mr. Deckers personally and
>libelously attacked my wife, making obscene acqusations and taking a
>business matter to a very improper personal level. Let Mr. Deckers' actions
>serve as warning to anyone who wishes to engage him for the purpose of doing
>business, now or in the future. Rather than confront me in accordance with
>our agreement, he has chosen to attack my wife. Mr. Deckers' actions are
>nothing short of a pathetic coward.
>Be that as it may, I regret the unfortunate circumstances upon which I have
>made your acquintance. Perhaps you can keep an open mind and understand that
>while Mr. Deckers and Mr. Staelens are contributing programmers to
>RhymBox/Pandion, they are not the owners.
>We will be providing more information as our legal proceedings continue. We
>are cooperating with the Jabber Software Foundation to keep the community
>abreast of all developments.
>I thank you in advance for your cooperation, understanding, and
>consideration in and through this unfortunate circumstance.
>Justin Fisher
>Co-Founder / CEO
>RhymBox, LLC
>-----Original Message-----
>From: jadmin-bounces at jabber.org [mailto:jadmin-bounces at jabber.org]On
>Behalf Of Frank Seesink
>Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 4:53 PM
>To: Jabber server administration list; jdev at jabber.org; juser at jabber.org
>Subject: [jadmin] Rhymbox coup d'état? Recommend everyone avoid
>[Apologies in advance if cross posting is in error.  As the issue
>relates to users, developers, and admins alike, I thought it best to
>post to JADMIN, JDEV, and JUSER.  If in error, please forgive me.]
>At this time, I would like to renounce my support for any new
>versions of the Windows Jabber client Rhymbox as it is shown on the
>website www.rhymbox.com.  Please note any previous posts from myself
>regarding this software are in relation to Rhymbox v1.6, which was
>released in May 2003, and do not carry over to its current state.
>This is a long email, but the short version is that something unholy is
>afoot in the Rhymbox family.  I would recommend everyone avoid visiting
>the website, signing up for any new release, or using any new releases
>posted there, as it appears some kind of coup d'état has occurred.
>Either one of the two original developers is revolting, or those
>currently running the site and its matching Jabber server have, in fact,
>hijacked them.  The website in question may or may not represent the
>true Rhymbox software team, and until all parties weigh in somewhere in
>a truly open forum (such as the Jabber mailing lists), I would recommend
>that anything you read on the site be taken with a grain of salt.
>Now allow me to explain.  One of the many sites I monitor is the Rhymbox
>website.  I have been using the Rhymbox software since v1.5, have used
>v1.6 since May 2003 without issue, and I have been hoping to see a new
>release with advanced support for XMPP, etc.
>Yesterday morning I noted that the website had changed.  I looked, and
>lo and behold it appeared a v2.0 was on its way.  The main page
>indicated that people could sign up for an early release of v2.0.  I
>decided to check the support forums to see if there was any more
>information regarding this upcoming release.
>The first thing I noticed is that the support forum no longer runs on
>ezBoard.com, but rather now was using phpBB.  So I thought, "Great.
>They're updating their site, changing their support forums in
>preparation for a new release."
>However, I also noticed that all the old postings were gone.  No feature
>requests, and no history of problems & solutions.  I figured this was an
>unfortunate side effect to changing forum software.  There was a few
>posts in the Problems & Solutions section, and I decided to check them out.
>It was here that it became clear that something was wrong.  One of the
>posts read 'Open Letter to the RhymBox Community', apparently written by
>one of the 2 authors of Rhymbox as listed in the 'About...' box in the
>software itself.  Reading his post, it became clear something was
>wrong.  Instead of paraphrasing, I am attaching the HTML version of that
>page (Rhymbox_issue-stripped.html), which luckily I saved at the time so
>I could do some copy/pasting with ease.
>I posted my own message to the forum, and less than 12 hours later,
>found the entire forum had been wiped clean again.  I reposted, asking
>for clarification of what was going on.  My repost I also attach here
>so as not to paraphrase (Rhymbox Support email.txt).
>Please note that today I found the forum had been wiped clean yet again,
>and I received a private email from info at rhymbox.com titled "Your
>concerns", attached here as well (Rhymboxfinal.txt).
>Now my personal opinion on the matter.  The 'official' response from the
>Rhymbox website basically says nothing of substance, and their actions
>of basically censoring their users seriously makes me believe the open
>letter's validity.  (They never did this in the past...I had several
>posts in their forums over the past year)   I have also emailed
>Sebastiaan Deckers at the email he provided in the open letter, and
>Sebastiaan actually telephoned me.  I have no reason to believe this was
>anyone other than who he said, and our conversation was consistent with
>the open letter.
>I have no idea what the legal situation is, nor will I pretend to be
>such an authority.  However, it seems painfully clear that something
>unhealthy is occurring with Rhymbox.com.  This is extremely unfortunate,
>as the software has worked well for us in the past year, and I was
>looking forward to a new release.  I suspect we will see a new release
>by the author(s) under a different name, and I would recommend anyone
>out there currently using Rhymbox or contemplating doing so stick to
>v1.6 until the authors indicate that they have a new program.
>Thanks to all who read this far.
>jadmin mailing list
>jadmin at jabber.org
>FAQ: http://www.jabber.org/wiki/index.php/FAQ-JADMIN


Steve Abatangle
Chief of Information Security
E-Loan, Inc.

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