[JDEV] Re: jabber; what would you like to see?

Ulrich B. Staudinger us at die-horde.de
Thu Sep 25 09:11:30 CDT 2003

Jacek Konieczny wrote:

>On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 02:33:36PM +0200, Ulrich B. Staudinger wrote:
>>developers keep complaining about this "error in the DTD", at least in 
>>their understanding - which i can understand, too. The error is for sure 
>>not the coffe:stats namespace (which i want to see written down in a 
>>formal JEP),  it's the lack of subelements of query in iq-get.
>There is no element "query" in jabber:client namespace. In any different
>name space it is different element. DTD describing "query" element in
>one namespace tells nothing about "query" element in other namespace the
>same way DTD element definition for "query" element doesn't describe
>"iq" element.
true, i didn't check the DTD before, too. In fact i didn't ever really 
check the DTD cause when i started i used some other documents ....

Anyway, if you can't remember, i still can remember several discussions 
about this topic. Ok, maybe it is the jabber server not letting those IQ 
tags (with no query) pass.

<iq type='set' to='uls at jabber.org'>
<iq from="uls at jabber.org" type="error" to="uls at jabber.org/Psi" >
<error code="503" >Service Unavailable</error>

Anyway, the DTD speaks different about the iq tag. it says:
    <!ATTLIST iq
      from CDATA #IMPLIED
      type (
        get | 
        set | 
        result | 
      ) #IMPLIED

thus, if you send 
<iq from="uls at jabber.org" type="error" to="uls at jabber.org/Psi" >

it'll get through. 

Ulrich B. Staudinger
email: us at die-horde.de
jid: uls at jabber.org

current project: REDHORN

Blog: http://jabber.linux.it/jogger/user.php?jid=uls@jabber.org

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