[JDEV] Account information storage, plaintext?

mblsha mailfrom at mail.ru
Thu Sep 18 08:22:06 CDT 2003

Hash: SHA1

Justin Karneges wrote:
> On a related note, I think we should make it a requirement that for a
> Jabber server to be listed in the official jabber.org public server
> listing, it should have some website to back it up.  This way the user
> knows where to go if he needs help or other.  Without any method of
> contacting the admin, we could potentially be giving bad recommendations. 
> A user should understand the community that surrounds his particular free
> server, so that he doesn't find himself switching servers in a week (a
> painful and _frequent_ experience of Jabber newcomers).  In-band
> registration is partly to blame here, as it allows a server to get away
> with not having a "front", but I'd like to see this changed.

Web-based registration is too slow IMO. I tend to create lots of JIDs for 
testing purposes and having to fill the form on web and send the confirmation 
email will drive me mad. So I would like to see creation of web frontend to 
registration as SHOULD.

- -- 
 Michail "mblsha" Pishchagin - MAZsoft
mblsha at users.sourceforge.net - http://maz.sf.net
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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