[JDEV] call for cool Jabber apps

Adrian Rapa adrian at dtedu.net
Wed Sep 10 23:51:50 CDT 2003


i have some cool jabber apps too: an online consulting system, based on
php/mysql, a presence monitoring tool, and i work at an online testing
application which uses xhtml support from jabber. I also have an
authentication module for my LAN network which permits users to activate
their internet connection. Just give me a few days to update the cvs on


Adrian Rapa

Pe Wed, 10 Sep 2003 16:55:35 -0500
Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter at jabber.org> a scris:

> I would like to create a "cool applications" page on the jabber.org 
> website. If you know of fun and interesting applications of
> Jabber/XMPP technology (especially non-IM apps), please let me know!
> This will provide a showcase for various Jabber-based technologies,
> making it easier for people to visualize the possibilities and present
> talks about Jabber/XMPP (from LUG presentations to speeches at
> industry gatherings, such as DizzyD's talk at OSCON earlier this
> year).
> Thanks!
> Peter
> -- 
> Peter Saint-Andre
> Jabber Software Foundation
> http://www.jabber.org/people/stpeter.php
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