[JDEV] Jabberd 1.4.2a-10 - Memory comsumption.

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Fri Sep 5 10:59:00 CDT 2003

Hi Jesper!

Jesper Krogh schrieb am 2003-09-04 07:44:57:
> Have anyone a idea on how to solve it? ( not by adding more memory
> to the computer :-).

I'd suggest running your transports as separate processes. This does not
reduce the memory consumption, but it's mostly them that require the
memory I expect. You can then restart the transports without
interruption of the main Jabber service.

You might also limit the cache time of your xdb component. By default it
caches all user data "forever".

Tot kijk
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