[JDEV] Jabber to Jabber gateway and other questions

Jamin W. Collins jcollins at asgardsrealm.net
Thu Oct 23 18:33:29 CDT 2003

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 09:58:48PM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Jabber is growing increasingly popular those days. More and more
> servers are created, more and more users register on those servers,
> but users often change their minds and their servers at the same
> occasion.
> I can't find a jabber transport, that is, a transport which :
> - when logged as user1 at serveur1
> - enables me to log in as user2 on serveur2
> - and send/receive messages to friend1 at serveur3 using my
>   user2 at serveur2 account.

Don't know of a transport that will do this, but the Psi Jabber client
will allow you to do this.  I use it to connect to an internal Jabber
server used for work and my own external Jabber server.

Jamin W. Collins

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