[JDEV] Pubsub affiliations & resource

Justin Kirby justin at openaether.org
Sun Oct 19 16:51:28 CDT 2003

> All of it works but there are 2 problems:
> - because only the program (jabbedo) understands the pubsub note
> events, only jabbedo should recieve them (not the chat client running
> on the same JID but with a different resource and a higher priority)..
> BUT when i add an affiliation with a resource (name at server/jabbedo)
> nothing will be recieved.
> - because jabbedo is only waiting for pubsub events (notes) and items
> should not recieve roster information.. so i would not like to send
> presence. But when i don't send presence i don't recieve any events.
> Presence invisble still recieves all roster items and recieves all
> offline messages.

You *have* to send presence before you can do anything. Simply discard
any jabber stanzas that you are not interested in. 


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