[JDEV] Re: MSN-t 1.2.8rc1

Andrew Sayers andrew-list-jabber-jdev at ccl.bham.ac.uk
Thu Oct 16 15:29:51 CDT 2003

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On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 11:18:25AM +0900, Dylan Cuthbert wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been having problems with the new msn-transport not showing MSN users
> as online, even though I know they are.  Some users show up as online fine,
> and others simply don't.  The other users are also using the MSN-transport
> on the same intranet so they don't have access to "hide me even though I'm
> online" type options (obviously we normally chat via jabber protocols but to
> test the msn transport we're using that temporarily).
> I can still chat to them even though their icon is grayed out (I am using
> JAJC as my client, but I don't think that's the problem because I'm not
> having this problem with other transports).

Tkabber has always had a similar problem.  It always gets the
online/offline state correct in the main window, but chat windows (which
also show the online state for the person you're talking to) aren't
updated for MSN users.  This suggests to me that some clients are being
overly fussy about the format of presence messages.  Here are is an
msn-t and a normal example of an unavailable presence:

<presence from='user%hotmail.com at msn.myserver' to='me at myserver' type='unavailable'/>
<presence type='unavailable' from='user at otherserver/resource' to='me at myserver'>

I'm guessing that either they're paying attention to the order of
attributes, or they have problems with a JID without a resource.

	- Andrew
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