[JDEV] Videoconferencing with jabber / Re:[speex-dev]Videoconferencing with speex and jabber

Timothy Carpenter timbeau_hk at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 28 04:39:38 CST 2003

On 28/11/03 10:08 am, "Richard Dobson" <richard at dobson-i.net> wrote:

> You seem to have conveniently skirted the issue here of latency which I
> think is a major one, and the issue that other already deployed systems
> (SIP, Xbox) use the p2p approach for very good reason and perfectly
> sucessfully. You also seem to have skirted the issue that the client acting
> as the server is also a major point of failure, if they loose connection
> then the whole conference will stop and no one will be able to chat, whereas
> p2p will just continue on fine for the rest of the people. There are several
> ways the client could loose its connection either internet problems (as ADSL
> and Cable broadband are not always that reliable over here in the UK), if
> the person is on dialup they might have hit their connection time limit and
> been disconnected and have to redial (over here in the UK dialup users on
> most unmeatered packages have set limits for the length of time each
> connection can be, usually 1-2 hours, at which time they will need to
> redial), or someone might not like the person hosting the conference (maybe
> they were excluded from the chat) and DDOS's them, in light of these it
> shows that your server solution has some serious problems that it cant
> really solve very easily.

If I were initiating a conference (ie I was the server) and I lost my
connection d*mn if the rest of the meeting can rattle on without my hearing
it. It might be OK for Xbox but in a business environment it is very
important to have all members around all the time and especially the

As to bandwidth, unless I am missing something each peer needs to send out
their audio to each member - 7 people means 6*7=42 streams out. With a sever
you have 12 streams to the 6 clients - one out and a mixed one back (sans
your own data). Even if the output stream is broadcast, with p2p each client
will have to mix those 6 streams so it is almost the server anyway! With a
server based solution the client only has a single stream in and out to
handle and the server is the only one doing the donkey work and technically
not much more than a client would do in a p2p environment, which is logical
as in p2p each p has to be a server in anything but name.


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