[JDEV] Videoconferencing with jabber / Re:[speex-dev]Videoconferencing with speex and jabber

Ulrich B. Staudinger us at die-horde.de
Fri Nov 28 03:44:08 CST 2003

> The benifit of it is, even if you can't host conferences yourself (for 
> example cause of bandwith etc.) even with the minimum implementation you 
> could still participate in them. Additionally the protocol could define 
> (perhaps just as an extention) a way to manage conferences (for example on 
> a jabber component) remotely. Then, even if I just have a pocket PC, I can 
> still set up a conference, decide wich people to let in / invite / reject, 
> password protect it ect. I can imagine x:data would be used for this (so 
> maybe just field standardization would do it).

I'd much more like an approach which enhances the MUC protocol by simple
conference commands. The only command i really miss in MUC is IGNORE
(server based). 

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