[JDEV] Videoconferencing with jabber / Re: [speex-dev]Videoconferencing with speex and jabber

Carsten Breuer CarstenBreuerJabber at openwin.de
Tue Nov 25 15:36:30 CST 2003

Hi Richard,

> Why are you not doing the audio streams p2p? That would make far more sense
> IMO.

That's and old story heavy discussed on the speex mailing list.
P2P is fine for two enteties, but it doesn't work with more then two.
It doesn't work because you to doing so means that every client have to
send the stream to every client. Since we want to send video and audio,
this is not really a solution. We have perhaps 10 percent of the 
bandwith for audio.

Best Regards,

Carsten Breuer

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