[JDEV] Videoconferencing with jabber / Re: [speex-dev]Videoconferencing with speex and jabber

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Tue Nov 25 08:29:56 CST 2003

Hi Ulrich!

Ulrich B. Staudinger schrieb am 2003-11-25 13:39:37:
> Just imagine you have ten people in a conference talking with each other
> .... a peer would send ten streams to ten people, that's quite a waste
> of bandwidth IMO.

No it isn't. It's very unlikely that all people are speaking at the same
time - at least they should to be able to communicate ;)
With silence detection you don't have more streams than with a central
server but I have a far more balanced load in the network.

And as we spoke off list: Voice conferencing would be very interesting
for companies too. And they can use multicasting in their network as
they control it themselves. Everything that is already integrated in the
existing transportation protocols (e.g. RTP).

(I know I promised you some usecases ... sorry that I still havn't
written them.)

Tot kijk

Fon: +49-(0)70 0770 07770       http://matthias.wimmer.name/
HAM: DB1MW                      xmpp:mawis at charente.de
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