[JDEV] Re: Videoconferencing with jabber / Re: [speex-dev]Videoconferencing with speex and jabber

Ulrich B. Staudinger us at die-horde.de
Tue Nov 25 07:29:34 CST 2003

Am Di, 2003-11-25 um 14.06 schrieb Jesper Krogh:
> I gmane.network.jabber.devel, skrev Ulrich B. Staudinger:
> >  Am Di, 2003-11-25 um 12.39 schrieb Richard Dobson:
> > > Why are you not doing the audio streams p2p? That would make far more sense
> > > IMO.
> > 
> >  Just imagine you have ten people in a conference talking with each other
> >  .... a peer would send ten streams to ten people, that's quite a waste
> >  of bandwidth IMO.
> Just imagine a server with 10 conferences running and 10 people in each
> conference, that would for each partipicant in each conference give 10
> streams from the server to a client total of 1000 streams. 
Yes, you are correct, that sums up to 1000 streams. 

> It is not my public-server that supplies bandwidth for that. 

Up to you. 

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