[JDEV] Videoconferencing with jabber / Re: [speex-dev]Videoconferencing with speex and jabber

Alon Weinstein alon at sreu.com
Tue Nov 25 07:13:31 CST 2003

Ulrich B. Staudinger wrote:
> Am Di, 2003-11-25 um 12.39 schrieb Richard Dobson:
>>Why are you not doing the audio streams p2p? That would make far more sense
> Just imagine you have ten people in a conference talking with each other
> .... a peer would send ten streams to ten people, that's quite a waste
> of bandwidth IMO.

True, but you don't *have* to do it this way. Perhaps some sort of 
circular architecture -- put all the participants in a "ring" -- each 
participant sends a message only to the next one on the ring which will 
forward the message to the next and so on and so forth until the person 
who sits before the one who sent the message gets it.
Anyway, P2P has lots of NAT-traveling problems.

>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: "Ulrich B. Staudinger" <us at die-horde.de>
>>To: <jdev at jabber.org>
>>Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 11:12 AM
>>Subject: Re: [JDEV] Videoconferencing with jabber / Re:
>>[speex-dev]Videoconferencing with speex and jabber
>>>Hi Carsten,
>>>due to the ongoing discussion on both lists, i simply respond to both
>>>lists. it's hard crossposting, but it's for both roups relevant (i
>>>+After having thought about control structures, it makes sense to me to
>>>do the extra work and merge this creamed cake into a jabber server
>>>component. Otherwise a control channel to the server component would
>>>have to be opened, or a splitter to divide the incoming audio bytes from
>>>control bytes would have to be added, which won't make things less
>>>Of course it is possible to create a standalone server relay, too.
>>>But my relation to jabber.org tells me to do it that way... ;-)
>>>to speex: *now here comes the more important part, can we build a c++
>>>component which does what avrelay does? is it practicable to de/encode
>>>100 streams with a c/c++ speex de/encoder in realtime?* COMMENTS WELCOME
>>>The other part is, what do you think about a cooperation? All help on
>>>this welcome!
>>>to jabber: *We would need some protocol enhancements to the jabber
>>>protocol to control muting of conference partners. It makes sense to me
>>>to enhance the current jabber MUC protocol with some audio/video
>>>specific stuff.* COMMENTS WELCOME
>>>Best regards,
>>>P.s. on the relay, carsten:
>>>The relay you may download at
>>>http://greenthumb.jabberstudio.org/avrelay.html contains server and
>>>a server has to be started, onto which a client can connect.
>>>The client has to know the ip of the server.
>>>the client is started through the command listed on the avrelay.html
>>>the server is started through 'java uls.AVRelay'
>>>The server listens by default on port 10000 (i think), can't remember
>>>what i wrote 6 weeks ago.
>>>The server encodes in the session.java file.
>>>The client encodes and decodes in TestClient.java. You'll see the
>>>classes when looking through the code.
>>>jdev mailing list
>>>jdev at jabber.org
>>jdev mailing list
>>jdev at jabber.org
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