[JDEV] EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Sun Nov 23 08:20:04 CST 2003

Hi Dave!

Dave Lists schrieb am 2003-11-23 13:15:41:
> T -> [AP]
>  <iq id="jcl_10" type="get"><query 
> xmlns="jabber:iq:auth"><username>ruth</username></query></iq>
> ##
> T -> [AP]
>    I can see from strace that the server is requesting and recieving 
> the username form mysql, it is after this point that the server loops 
> until Exodus gets bored waiting, and believe me, Exodus takes a while to 
> get bored :-)

The next step would be that the server has to tell the client, what
authentication methods are available and what the client has to submit
to authenticate.

I'd like to know, if it's the xdb component that is looping (what I
expect) or the server. Therefore it would be good to run the xdb
component in a different task. But I guess you are not that familar with
the jabberd configuration, that you can configure xdb in its own task,
are you?

Tot kijk

Fon: +49-(0)70 0770 07770       http://matthias.wimmer.name/
HAM: DB1MW                      xmpp:mawis at charente.de
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